Registration goes quickly for 2022 Safaricom Women First 5km

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25 February 2022 –  With more than five thousand places already taken, registration for the 2022 Safaricom Women First 5km taking place on Sunday 13th March 2022 has gathered pace and it looks likely that all 10,000 places will be taken within the coming week. 

Keeping the race entry fee at just 300 birr has proved popular with participants who will be taking part in the race’s 19th edition. This year’s event promotes a UNICEF-endorsed message for “online safety for children and women”. 

There are three easy ways to register for the race: 

  • on telegram @GreatEthiopianRunBot 
  • at one of three Enat Bank branches (Kazanchis, Mexico and Megenagna) 
  • in person at the race office in Bole

The past 2 Sundays participants started training for the run in the 4-week Sofi Malt Fitness Challenge. 

Great Ethiopian Run 

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